


The Streamline is designed to fit in a narrow gap such as between a house and a fence. The Streamline is 0.9m (39”) deep including the roof overhangs and from 1.2m(4’) to 3.6m (12’) long.


These buildings will come with (Ex 15mm) 12mm finished tongue & groove matching fixed to 47mm x 47mm treated floor joists.


All buildings come with (Ex 19mm) 15mm finished tongue and groove matching on 47mm x 47mm finished roof bearers. A Heavy-Duty Polyester based roofing felt is used as standard on all buildings. On all of our buildings, there is a ventilation gap along the back of the roof.


 All buildings have (Ex 15mm) 12mm finished tongue & groove shiplap fixed to 47mm x 47mm & 47mm x 22mm finished framework.


The door is 0.60m (24”) wide and is hung on 0.25m (10”) T-hinges and comes with a rimlock & black knob. WINDOWS There are no windows in the Streamline building.


The Streamline garden building has an internal eaves height of 1.75m (69”) rising to an internal ridge height of 1.98m (78”). Please add an extra 7” on to these heights for the external dimension. All standard buildings comply with the 2.5m maximum height restriction imposed when erecting a building under Permitted Development.


Our buildings are treated both internally & externally with a spirit-based preservative that helps to protect the timber from fungi, woodworm & blue stain. We do recommend that buildings are retreated within 3 months, unless painted for continuous protection.

All of our buildings can be upgraded to a painted finish.